project highlights
services provided
Aquatic and structural engineering
design completed
Ten competition pools
Milwaukee Public School Pools
Milwaukee, WI
The Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) district underwent significant improvements, which included ten schools’ competition-style swimming pool facilities. The ten swimming pool facilities were assessed for compliance with current WIAA/NFHS Competition Standards, ADA requirements, and the condition of pool area deck, pool basin, pool equipment and piping, and locker room. A summary of recommendations, photographs, and rough order of magnitude construction estimates were provided within the report.
Following the direction of MPS, Ramaker completed Aquatic pool plans relative to the summary of recommendations and desired upgrades of MPS. As each facility was unique with their existing conditions, a multitude of items were addressed that included: the addition of UV disinfection systems, replacement of chemical feed systems, removal of diving boards, new unblockable main drains, new starting blocks, new bulkhead, removal of a movable floor with a new pool floor poured in the shallow section, addition ADA lifts, repair of the spalling pool walls, and removal and replacement of cast iron main drain piping.